Authorization to start number collection

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If you don’t have time to pick up your starting number during the opening hours of the Expo, you can choose someone from your loved ones in your profile to pick up the package for you. You can authorize the given person as soon as you have been assigned a starting number (approximately two weeks before the race).

Process of online authorization to start number collection

1. Giving online authorization to start number collection

An online credential can only be granted by a registered competitor after the start number has been assigned to the given race. He will grant credentials for the selected race in his Runners ID profile in the My Races section, for the given RACE via the EDIT DATA button.. He can grant credentials to anyone.

2. Information for authorized person

After the registered runner enters the data of the starting number in his profile. The collector must prepare an identity document, which he presents when collecting the start number.

3. Change of authorized person

The participant can cancel the authorization to pick up the start number (by deleting it in the profile) or change the pick-up person. Cancellation or change of picker is always done by the runner in his Runners ID profile in the My Races section.

4.Start number collection with online authorization

The claimant will come to the pre-race EXPO during opening hours, where he will be issued with a runner’s starting number after presenting a photo ID.

Rules and condition of online authorization to start number collection

  • Authorization is only given by the registered runner with assigned starting number.
  • Authorized person must identify himself/herself by ID card during the start number collection.
  • Online authorization to start number collection is only available for competitive races – individual, 2RUN, relay and team categories.
  • Authorization is only possible to give online via Runners ID profile (authorization via email, phone call, text message will not be accepted).
  • Authorization can be given after starting numbers are assigned (approximately two weeks before race).
  • Authorization can be given to one person at the time.
  • Authorized person is allowed to collect all additional items as well as the number.
  • Runner itself can always collect his/her starting number, even though he gave authorization to someone.
  • Paper based Power of Attorney (officially confirmed) will be also accepted.