Junior marathon

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This year is the 27th edition of the Junior Marathon across the Czech Republic. JMC is a relay race designed for high schools. A team consisting of 10 members overcomes the marathon course (42.125 km) together. Each student runs his section and the whole team works together to reach the finish line before the opponents.

Registration for season 2025 here:

The best teams from the semi-final rounds advanced to the final, which took place as part of the prestigious Prague International Marathon on May 4, 2025!

This year there are 13 semi-final rounds, each in a different region + final in Prague:

  • Pardubický kraj
  • Královehradecký kraj
  • Vysočina
  • Olomoucký kraj
  • Zlínský kraj
  • Moravskoslezský kraj
  • Jihomoravský kraj
  • Plzeňský kraj
  • Praha a Středočeský kraj
  • Jihočeský kraj
  • Karlovarský kraj
  • Ústecký kraj
  • Liberecký kraj
  • Praha – final

Due to its scope, the Junior Marathon has become the largest running race for secondary schools in the Czech Republic.

Look how JMC looked last year:

European Commission

The representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic has long-term cooperation with the organizers of the Junior Marathon project, during which young runners overcome the length of the marathon course together. Thanks to the cooperation with the non-profit organization “Do what you enjoy”, it will inform students about the possibilities of how and where to gain physical and mental strength. At selected races, there will be a booth with a chillout zone where young runners can go to get information and useful contacts in case they find themselves in a difficult life situation.