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Cancellation insurance from race participation

Subject of the insurance

If you are unable to participate in a RunCzech race on serious grounds, Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s. will refund you the amount of the race registration fee less the 10% deductible amount.

The following are understood as serious grounds for non-participation in a race:

  • acute illness or injury (does not apply to covid-19 and the quarantine ordered in connection with this disease).
  • hospitalisation
  • pregnancy
  • extensive property damage
  • delay in public transport (train, bus or plane)
  • traffic accident
  • loss of employment
  • death
What is not covered by the insurance
  • illness and injury which occurred before the start of the insurance
  • illness and injury which occurred in relation to the use of addictive substances (e.g., alcohol)
  • events relating to attempted suicide or intentional damage to health
  • events relating to disorderly conduct or criminal activity
How to arrange insurance
  • you may arrange insurance online when you register for the race
Cost of insurance

The insurance fee is 12% of the race registration fee (a minimum of CZK 80)

Start and end of the insurance

Insurance starts on the day when the insurance fee was paid and ends when the race starts.

How to report an insured event
  • for reporting an insured event contact directly Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s.
  • by telephone on Client service + 420 241 114 114
  • electronically via the online form and please attach this completed form
  • in writing to Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s., P. O. BOX 305, 359 05 Brno, Czech Republicinsurance contract number is 19100984
  • when reporting an insurance claim, please use the same email address you provided when registering for the race
  • please include medical reports with the claim report if it was an accident or illness
More information about the insurance may be found:
  • in the Insurance Contract and in the Insurance Terms and Conditions
  • in the Insurance Information
  • in the Insurance Product Information Document
  • in the Brief Overview of the Processing of Personal Data

Insurance agreed until March 31, 2022 (incl.) is governed by these documents. All insurances arranged after this date are governed by the documents listed here.

Accidental insurance

Subject of the insurance

In the event of a serious injury occurring during a RunCzech race or up to 30 minutes before the race, we will pay:

  • CZK 200 per day from the 15th day of incapacity to work or you undergoing treatment at home (people not entitled to sickness benefits) for up to 60 days of incapacity to work
  • CZK 200 per day for each day of hospitalisation for up to 30 days of hospitalisation
  • a lump sum of CZK 250,000 in the event of third degree disability
  • a lump sum of CZK 100,000 in the event of death
Which injuries are not covered by the insurance?
  • injuries which occurred in relation to the use of addictive substances (e.g., alcohol)
  • injuries which occurred outside the areas designated for the race
  • injuries which occurred due to failure to respect the instructions of the race organiser
  • injuries relating to attempted suicide or intentional damage to health
  • injuries relating to disorderly conduct or criminal activity
How to arrange insurance

You may arrange insurance online when registering for the race.

Cost of insurance
Type of raceInsurance fee
MarathonCZK 60
1/2 MarathonCZK 50
Grand Prix Prague – 10 km raceCZK 23
Grand Prix Prague – 5 km raceCZK 12
Liberec Nature Run (12 and 23 km)CZK 26
Family raceCZK 10
Start and end of the insurance

Insurance starts 30 minutes before the start of the race and ends upon passing the finishing line, expiry of the time limit for the race, disqualification, exclusion or withdrawal from the race.

How to report an insured event
  • for reporting an insured event contact directly Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s.
  • by telephone on Client service + 420 241 114 114
  • electronically via the online form and please attach this completed form
  • in writing to Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s., P. O. BOX 305, 359 05 Brno, Czech Republic
  • insurance contract number is 19100985
  • when reporting an insurance claim, please use the same email address you provided when registering for the race
  • please include medical reports with the claim report if it was an accident
More information about the insurance may be found:
  • in the Insurance contract and the Insurance Terms and Conditions
  • in the Insurance Information
  • in the Insurance Product Information Document
  • in the Brief Information About Personal Data Processing

These documents can be downloaded here.